Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Bab 7 Chapter 7 : The Wright Brothers

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 Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Bab 7 Chapter 7 : The Wright Brothers.

Simple Past Tense vs Present Perfect Tense

In this chapter we are going to learn about differences between simple past tense and present present tense.

(Pada bab ini kita akan mempelajari tentang perbedaan antara simple past tense dan  present perfect tense).

Simple past tense is used to tell that something happened in the past and already finished, not having any effect to current time.

(Simple past tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah selesai, tidak berlanjut saat ini, tidak memiliki efek apapun terhadap kondisi saat ini)

Meanwhile, present perfect tense is used to tell something happened since long time ago and still continue until now.

(Sementara itu, present perfect tense digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang telah berlangsung dari dulu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang).

Present perfect tense also can be used to tell something happened in the past and already finished but have effect for current time.

(Present perfect tense juga dapat digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian masa lalu dan telah berakhir, namun memiliki efek untuk masa sekarang).


Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used when we talk about something happened in the past.

(Simple past tense digunakan ketika berbicara tentang sesuatu yang telah terjadi di masa lampau).

Formula of Simple Past Tense

For positive form:

S + V2

For negative form:

S + did + not + v1

For interrogative form:

Did + S + V1 + ?

Example of Simple Past Tense

Here below the example of simple past tense in each form:

(Berikut ini adalah contoh dari simple past tense dalam setiap bentuk: )

Example 1

(+) I played a lot yesterday.

(-) I did not play a lot yesterday.

(?) Did I play a lot yesterday?

Example 2

(+) You broke the glass last night.

(-) You did not break the glass last night.

(?) Did you break the glass last night?


Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense is used when we talk about something happened in the past but the effect of action affected to current time.

(Present perfect tense digunakan ketika kita berbicara tentang sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lalu tetapi efek tindakannya mempengaruhi waktu saat ini)


Formula of Present Perfect Tense

For positive form:

S + have / has + v3 or S + have / has + been + adj/adv/noun

For negative form:

S + have / has + not + v3  or S + have / has + not +  been + adj/adv/noun

For interrogative form:

Have / has + S + V3 + ? or Have / has + S + been + adj/adv/noun + ?


Remember (INGAT): 

  • We use “have” when the subject “I, you, we, they”
    • (Kita gunakan “have” jika subjeknya “I, you, we, they”)
  • We use “has” when the subject “He, She, It”
    • (Kita gunakan “has” jika subjeknya “He, she, it”)
  • We need to added “been” if not verb! Such as adjective, adverb, or noun.
    • (Kita harus menambahkan “been” bila bukan kata kerja. Seperti kata sifat, keterangan, atau benda)


Example of Present Perfect Tense

Here below the example of present perfect tense in each form:

(Berikut ini adalah contoh dari present perfect tense dalam setiap bentuk: )

Example 1

(+) I have learned English before.

(-) I have not learned English before.

(?) Have I learned English before?

Example 2

(+) Jaka has called Rini.

(-) Jaka has not called Rini.

(?) Has Jaka called Rini?

Example 3

(+) He has been awesome in the last match.

(-) He has not been awesome in the last match.

(?) Has he been awesome in the last match?


How is it?


Not too hard right?

(Tidak sulit kan?)


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